The HC32L110B6YA-CSP16TR with other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) CSP-16 RoHS is a part manufactured by HDSC. It is a low power 8-bit Microcontroller based on the CSP-16 architecture and is designed for small. embedded applications. This particular pack includes a central processing unit (CPU), a random access memory (RAM), and a flash memory with a maximum of 128 kb of program memory. It also features the same communications as HC32L110A, allowing for serial interface, I2C, SPI, as well as the CAN (Controller Area Network). This IC also offers an internal Real-Time Clock (RTC), allowing for precise timing control. It provides a wide range of system instructions and peripheral functions and provides a low power option with 8 levels of low power modes. It is designed in such a way that it meets the RoHS directive, which eliminates the hazardous materials such as heavy metals and noxious materials from the production and packaging process.