The IPA060N06NM5SXKSA1 is a MOSFET transistor device manufactured by Infineon Technologies AG. It belongs to the Trench 40 electric variation of the IPA060 series. The device is most suited for use with a voltage of between 40 volts and 100 volts for its drain-source voltage range. It can be used in automotive, consumer, and industrial applications, among others, as it is rated for a continuous drain current of up to 70 Amps (at a temperature of 25°C). Its other key features include an avalanche energy rated at 400mJ, and a maximum gate-source voltage of ±20V. Additionally, the device has high switching speed, excellent thermal stability, good on-state resistance, and ESD protection. It offers superior performance with low power consumption, low RDS(on) and low leakage current.