IPG20N06S4L-14A OptiMOS-T2 Power-Transistor Product Summary V 60 V DS 4) R 13.7 m DS(on),max I 20 A D Features Dual N-channel Logic Level - Enhancement mode PG-TDSON-8-10 AEC Q101 qualified MSL1 up to 260C peak reflow 175C operating temperature Green Product (RoHS compliant) 100% Avalanche tested Feasible for automatic optical inspection (AOI) Type Package Marking IPG20N06S4L-14A PG-TDSON-8-10 4N06L14 Maximum ratings, at T =25 C, unless otherwise specified j Value Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit Continuous drain current 1) I T =25 C, V =10 V 20 A D C GS one channel active T =100 C, C 20 2) V =10 V GS 2) Pulsed drain current I - 80 D,pulse one channel active 2, 4) E I =10A 90 mJ Avalanche energy, single pulse AS D 4) I - 15 A Avalanche current, single pulse AS V Gate source voltage -16V GS Power dissipation P T =25 C 50 W tot C one channel active Operating and storage temperature T , T - -55 ... +175 C j stg Rev. 1.0 page 1 2013-02-28 IPG20N06S4L-14A Values Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit min. typ. max. 2) Thermal characteristics Thermal resistance, junction - case R---3K/W thJC SMD version, device on PCB R minimal footprint - 100 - thJA 2 3) -60 - 6 cm cooling area Electrical characteristics, at T =25 C, unless otherwise specified j Static characteristics Drain-source breakdown voltage V V =0 V, I = 1 mA 60 - - V (BR)DSS GS D V V =V , I = 20A Gate threshold voltage 1.2 1.7 2.2 GS(th) DS GS D V =60 V, V =0 V, DS GS 4) I -0.01 1 A Zero gate voltage drain current DSS T =25 C j V =60 V, V =0 V, DS GS - 5 100 2) T =125 C j 4) I V =16 V, V =0 V - - 100 nA Gate-source leakage current GSS GS DS 4) R V =4.5 V, I =10 A -16 20 m Drain-source on-state resistance DS(on) GS D V =10 V, I =17 A - 11.6 13.7 GS D Rev. 1.0 page 2 2013-02-28