IPN70R750P7S MOSFET PG-SOT223 700V CoolMOS P7 Power Transistor CoolMOS is a revolutionary technology for high voltage power MOSFETs, designed according to the superjunction (SJ) principle and pioneered by Infineon Technologies. The latest CoolMOS P7 is an optimized platform tailored to target cost sensitive applications in consumer markets such as charger, adapter, lighting, TV, etc. The new series provides all the benefits of a fast switching Superjunction MOSFET, combined with an excellent price/performance ratio and state of the art ease-of-use level. The technology meets highest efficiency standards and supports high power density, enabling customers going towards very slim designs. Drain Pin 2, Tab Features Extremely low losses due to very low FOM R *Q and R *E DS(on) g DS(on) oss Gate Excellent thermal behavior Pin 1 Integrated ESD protection diode Low switching losses (E ) oss Source Product validation acc. JEDEC Standard Pin 3 Benefits Cost competitive technology Lower temperature High ESD ruggedness Enables efficiency gains at higher switching frequencies Enables high power density designs and small form factors Potential applications Recommended for Flyback topologies for example used in Chargers, Adapters, Lighting Applications, etc. Please note: For MOSFET paralleling the use of ferrite beads on the gate or seperate totem poles is generally recommended. Table 1 Key Performance Parameters Parameter Value Unit V T 700 V DS j=25C R 0.75 DS(on),max Q 8.3 nC g,typ I 15.4 A D,pulse E 400V 0.9 J oss V(GS)th,typ 3 V ESD class (HBM) 1C Type / Ordering Code Package Marking Related Links IPN70R750P7S PG-SOT223 70S750 see Appendix A Final Data Sheet 1 Rev. 2.1, 2018-02-12700V CoolMOS P7 Power Transistor IPN70R750P7S Table of Contents Description . 1 Maximum ratings 3 Thermal characteristics 3 Electrical characteristics . 4 Electrical characteristics diagrams . 6 Test Circuits . 10 Package Outlines . 11 Appendix A 12 Revision History 13 Trademarks . 13 Disclaimer 13 Final Data Sheet 2 Rev. 2.1, 2018-02-12