PD - 90334F IRF230 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED JANTX2N6758 HEXFET TRANSISTORS JANTXV2N6758 THRU-HOLE (TO-204AA/AE) REF:MIL-PRF-19500/542 200V, N-CHANNEL Product Summary Part Number BVDSS RDS(on) ID IRF230 200V 0.40 9.0A TO-3 The HEXFET technology is the key to International Rectifiers advanced line of power MOSFET transistors. The efficient geometry and unique processing of this latest State of the Art design achieves: very low on-state resis- tance combined with high transconductance superior re- verse energy and diode recovery dv/dt capability. Features: The HEXFET transistors also feature all of the well estab- Repetitive Avalanche Ratings lished advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage control, Dynamic dv/dt Rating very fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature Hermetically Sealed stability of the electrical parameters. Simple Drive Requirements They are well suited for applications such as switching Ease of Paralleling power supplies, motor controls, inverters, choppers, audio amplifiers and high energy pulse circuits. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Units I V = 10V, T = 25C Continuous Drain Current 9.0 D GS C A I V = 10V, T = 100C Continuous Drain Current 6.0 D GS C I Pulsed Drain Current 36 DM P T = 25C Max. Power Dissipation 75 W D C Linear Derating Factor 0.6 W/C V Gate-to-Source Voltage 20 V GS E Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 54 mJ AS I Avalanche Current 9.0 A AR E Repetitive Avalanche Energy 7.5 mJ AR dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt 5.0 V/ns T Operating Junction -55 to 150 J o T Storage Temperature Range C STG Lead Temperature 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case for 10s) Weight 11.5(typical) g For footnotes refer to the last page www.irf.com 1 01/24/01IRF230 Electrical Characteristics Tj = 25C (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions BV Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 200 V V = 0V, I = 1.0mA DSS GS D BV / T Temperature Coefficient of Breakdown 0.29 V/C Reference to 25C, I = 1.0mA DSS J D Voltage R Static Drain-to-Source On-State 0.40 V = 10V, I =6.0A DS(on) GS D Resistance 0.49 V =10V, I =9.0A GS D V Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 4.0 V V = V , I =250A GS(th) DS GS D g Forward Transconductance 3.0 S ( )V > 15V, I =6.0A fs DS DS I Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current 25 V =160V, V =0V DSS DS GS A 250 V =160V DS V = 0V, T = 125C GS J I Gate-to-Source Leakage Forward 100 V =20V GSS GS nA I Gate-to-Source Leakage Reverse -100 V =-20V GSS GS Q Total Gate Charge 16 39 V =10V, ID 9.0A g GS = Q Gate-to-Source Charge 3.0 5.7 nC V =100V gs DS Q Gate-to-Drain (Miller) Charge 8.0 20 gd t Turn-On Delay Time 35 V =100V, I =9.0A, d(on) DD D t Rise Time 80 R =7.5 r G ns t Turn-Off Delay Time 60 d(off) t Fall Time 40 f L L Total Inductance 6.1 nH S + D Measured from the center of drain pad to center of source pad C Input Capacitance 600 V = 0V, V =25V iss GS DS C Output Capacitance 250 pF f = 1.0MHz oss C Reverse Transfer Capacitance 80 rss Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions I Continuous Source Current (Body Diode) 9.0 S A I Pulse Source Current (Body Diode) 36 SM V Diode Forward Voltage 1.4 V T = 25C, I =9.0A, V = 0V j SD S GS t Reverse Recovery Time 500 nS Tj = 25C, I = 9.0A, di/dt 100A/ s rr F Q Reverse Recovery Charge 6.0 c V 50V RR DD t Forward Turn-On Time Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible. Turn-on speed is substantially controlled by L + L . on S D Thermal Resistance Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions R Junction to Case 1.67 thJC C/W R Junction to Ambient 30 Typical socket mount thJA 2 www.irf.com