PD - 93999A IRF5852 HEXFET Power MOSFET V R max ( I Ultra Low On-Resistance DSS DS(on) D Dual N-Channel MOSFET 20 V 0.090 V = 4.5V 2.7A GS Surface Mount 0.120 V = 2.5V 2.2A GS Available in Tape & Reel Low Gate Charge Description These N-channel MOSFETs from International Rectifier G1 1 6D1 utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve the extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. This S2 2 5 S1 benefit provides the designer with an extremely efficient device for use in battery and load management G2 3 4 D2 applications. This Dual TSOP-6 package is ideal for applications TSOP-6 Top View where printed circuit board space is at a premium and where maximum functionality is required. With two die per package, the IRF5852 can provide the functionality of two SOT-23 packages in a smaller footprint. Its unique thermal design and R DS(on) reduction enables an increase in current-handling capability. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. Units V Drain- Source Voltage 20 V DS I T = 25C Continuous Drain Current, V 4.5V 2.7 D A GS I T = 70C Continuous Drain Current, V 4.5V 2.2 A D A GS I Pulsed Drain Current 11 DM P T = 25C Power Dissipation 0.96 D A P T = 70C Power Dissipation 0.62 D A Linear Derating Factor 7.7 mW/C V Gate-to-Source Voltage 12 V GS T T Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 to + 150 C J, STG Thermal Resistance Parameter Max. Units R Maximum Junction-to-Ambient 130 C/W JA www.irf.com 1 1/13/03 Electrical Characteristics T = 25C (unless otherwise specified) J Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions V Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage 20 V V = 0V, I = 250A (BR)DSS GS D V / T Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient 0.016 V/C Reference to 25C, I = 1mA (BR)DSS J D 0.090 V = 4.5V, I = 2.7A GS D R Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance DS(on) 0.120 V = 2.5V, I = 2.2A GS D V Gate Threshold Voltage 0.60 1.25 V V = V , I = 250A GS(th) DS GS D g Forward Transconductance 5.2 S V = 10V, I = 2.7A fs DS D 1.0 V = 16V, V = 0V DS GS I Drain-to-Source Leakage Current DSS 25 V = 16V, V = 0V, T = 70C DS GS J Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage 100 V = 12V GS Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage -100 V = -12V GS Q Total Gate Charge 4.0 6.0 I = 2.7A g D Q Gate-to-Source Charge 0.95 nC V = 16V gs DS Q Gate-to-Drain Mille) Charge 0.88 V = 4.5V gd GS t Turn-On Delay Time 6.6 V = 10V d(on) DD t Rise Time 1.2 I = 1.0A r D t Turn-Off Delay Time 15 R = 6.2 d(off) G t Fall Time 2.4 V = 4.5V f GS C Input Capacitance 400 V = 0V iss GS C Output Capacitance 48 pF V = 15V oss DS C Reverse Transfer Capacitance 32 = 1.0MHz rss Source-Drain Ratings and Characteristics Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions D I Continuous Source Current MOSFET symbol S 0.96 (Body Diode) showing the G I Pulsed Source Current integral reverse SM 11 (Body Diode) p-n junction diode. S V Diode Forward Voltage 1.2 V T = 25C, I = 0.96A, V = 0V SD J S GS t Reverse Recovery Time 25 38 ns T = 25C, I = 0.96A rr J F Q Reverse Recovery Charge 6.5 9.8 nC di/dt = 100A/s rr Repetitive rating pulse width limited by Surface mounted on FR-4 board, t max. junction temperature. Pulse width 400s duty cycle 2 www.irf.com