The Infineon IRFP4768PBF is a MOSFET N Trench design constructed using their 250V 93A 5V @ 250uA 17.5 mO @ 56A,10V TO-247 (AC) RoHS technology. It is a high-performance, low-cost power MOSFET suitable for a wide range of applications such as power supplies, DC/DC converters, motor controls, and switches. It has a maximum drain-source voltage rating of 250 volts, a current rating of 93A with a 5V gate-source voltage range, and a maximum on-state drain-source resistance of 17.5 mO at 56A, 10V. The RoHS compliant device is offered in a TO-247 package and comes with an under-tab mounting option. This is the perfect choice for either laboratory testing or production applications.