Data Sheet No. PD10056 revG Series PVR33NPbF Microelectronic Power IC HEXFET Power MOSFET Photovoltaic Relay Dual-Pole, Normally-Open 0-300V AC/DC, 165mA General Description Features The PVR33 Series AC/DC Relay is a dual-pole, normally open, solid-state replacement for electromechanical Bounce-Free Operation relays used for general purpose switching of analog 10 10 Off-State Resistance signals. It utilizes International Rectifiers HEXFET 1,000 V/sec dv/dt power MOSFETs as the output switches, driven by 0.2 V Thermal Offset an integrated circuit photovoltaic generator of novel 5 mA Input Sensitivity construction. The output switch is controlled by 1,500 V I/O Isolation radiation from a GaAlAs light emitting diode (LED), RMS Solid-State Reliability which is optically isolated from the photovoltaic generator. The PVR33 Series overcomes the limitations of both conventional electromechanical and reed relays by offering the solid state advantages of long life, fast operating speed, low pick up power, bounce-free operation, low thermal offset voltages and miniature package. These advantages allow product improvement and design innovations in many applications such as process control, multiplexing, automatic test equipment and data acquisition. The PVR33 can switch analog signals from thermocouple level to 300 Volts peak AC or DC polarity. Signal frequencies into the RF range are easily controlled and switching rates up to 350Hz are achievable. The extremely small thermally generated offset voltages allow increased measurement accuracies. These relays are packaged in 16-pin, molded DIP packages and available with thru-hole leads, in plastic shipping tubes. Applications Part Identification Process Control PVR2300NPbF Data Acquisition PVR3300NPbF Test Equipment PVR3301NPbF Multiplexing and Scanning (HEXFET is the registered trademark for International Rectifier Power MOSFET s) 1 Series PVR33NPbF Electrical Specifications (-40C T +85C unless otherwise specified ) A INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Units Minimum Control Current A Connection (see figure 1) DC For 170 Continuous Load Current 2.0 mA 25C For 165 Continuous Load Current 5.0 mA 40C For 130 Continuous Load Current 5.0 mA 85C Minimum Turn-Off Current 10 A(DC) Minimum Turn-Off Voltage 0.6 V(DC) Control Current Range (Caution: current limit input LED. See figure 6) 2.0 to 25 mA(DC) Maximum Reverse Voltage 6.0 V(DC) OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS PVR2300N PVR3300N, PVR3301N Units Operating Voltage Range 200 300 V(peak) Maxiumum Load Current 40C ILED = 5mA (see figure 1) AC (A Connection) 165 mA (peak) DC (B Connection) 180 mA(DC) DC (C Connection) 310 mA(DC) Response Time 25C (see figures 7 and 8) Maximum T(on) 12mA Control, 100 mA Load, 100 VDC 150 s Maximum T(off) 12mA Control, 100 mA Load, 100 VDC 125 s Maximum On-state Resistance 25C (Pulsed) (fig. 2) 50 mA Load, 5mA Control AC (A Connection) 24 DC (B Connection) 12 DC (C Connection) 6 8 Minimum Off-state Resistance 25C 160 VDC PVR2300, PVR3300 10 10 240 VDC PVR3301 10 Maximum Thermal Offset Voltage 5.0mA Control 0.2 volts Minimum Off-State dv/dt 1000 V/s Typical Output Capacitance (see figure 9) 6 pF 50VDC GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Units Dielectric Strength: Input-Output 1500 VRMS 12 Insulation Resistance: Input-Output 500VDC 10 Maximum Capacitance: Input-Output 1.0 pF Maximum Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6mm below seating plane for 10 sec.) 260 C Ambient Temperature Range: Operating -40 to +85 C Storage -40 to +100 International Rectiefi r does not recommend the use of this product in aerospace, avionics, military or life support applications. Users of this International Rectifier product in such applications assume all risks of such use and indemnify International Rectifier against all damages resulting from such use. 2