M21528-13 Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-rate Video Cable Driver Rev V6 Input equalization for up to 36 of FR4 + 2 connectors Applications Integrated, selectable 75 or 50 output termination 3G/HD/SD Video Switchers Integrated 50 input termination 3G/HD/SD Video Routers Integrated 2x2 crosspoint switch with broadcast mode 3G/HD/SD Distribution Amplifiers On-chip regulators for operation from 1.8V to 3.3V DC supply DVB-ASI Equipment Universal DC coupling at the input, from 1.2V to 3.3V SMPTE 259C/D, 292M, 424M, DVB ASI 270Mb/s Cable detect with automatic power down and power up upon cable disconnect and re-connect Features Loss of input signal detection Dual channel cable driver Independent channel mute and power down Two pairs of non-inverting, SMPTE compliant outputs Industrial operating temperature range: -40C to 85C Typical output jitter of 12 ps peaktopeak at 2.97 Gbps 4 kV HBM and 500V CDM ESD rating Exceptional Output Return Loss with no matching network 4 mm x 4 mm 24 pin QFN package Very low power design 40 mW/channel 1.8V Green and RoHS compliant Selectable slew rate for SD and 3G/HD operation The M21528 is a very low power, highly integrated, dual cable driver for SMPTE compliant digital video applications. It can drive 2 pairs of 75 coaxial cables, or 50 equivalent loads, at SDI data rates from 270 Mbps to 2.97 Gbps. The device is capable of outputting SDI signals with typical jitter values of 12 ps peaktopeak, when operating at 2.97 Gbps. The dual cable driver includes a 2x2 input crosspoint and integrated input and output termination resistors. The M21528, with input equalization for up to 36 of FR4 trace in addition to two connectors and exceptional Output Return Loss (ORL), is ideal for high speed, 3G-SDI, designs. The device features integrated supply regulators, allowing it to be powered from 1.8V, 2.5V, or 3.3V supply voltages. When operating at 1.8V, it consumes only 40 mW per channel at 2.97 Gbps. Furthermore, the power rails for the input and output circuitry are electrically isolated on-chip and as such may be connected to different voltage rails on the board. This feature enables the M21528 to be DC cou- pled to any upstream device in the 1.2V to 3.3V range. The integrated 2x2 crosspoint allows for either input to be routed to either output, eliminating the need for an external multiplexer. Addi- tionally, one input may be routed to both outputs. The cable driver also provides cable detect and Loss of Signal (LOS) functionality. It can be configured to automatically power down at cable disconnect or loss of input signal. The M21528 is offered in a green and RoHS compliant 24 pin QFN package. M21528 Block Diagram 75 /50 SDO0A LOS SDI0P 75 /50 SDO0B IE SDI0N 2 x 2 Crosspoint SDI1P IE SDO1A 75 /50 SDI1N LOS SDO1B 75 /50 1 MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: M21528-13 Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-rate Video Cable Driver Rev V6 Ordering Information Part Number Package Operating Temperature M21528G-13 4 mm x 4 mm 24-pin QFN (RoHS compliant) 40 C to 85 C * The letter G designator after the part number indicates that the device is RoHS compliant. The RoHS compliant devices are backwards compatible with 225 C reflow profiles. Revision History Revision Level Date Description V6 Release August 2016 Support for pin PD MODE = HIGH removed. Cable Detect Enabled while LOS is disabled. V5 Release May 2016 Updated Section 4.2 to recommend self-biasing only for DC coupled application. V4 Release December 2015 Added footnotes to Figure 3-7. V3 Release May 2015 Revised Z CTRL resistor value for 75 output impedance in Table 3-1. Revised Section 4.3. Updated Marking Diagram. Updated Figure 3-7 with new package diagram. E (V2) Release March 2010 Corrected Figure 3-7 center pad dimensions. Revised Table 1-5 DRIN min, JAO 3G, HD max. D (V1) Release December 2009 Added marking diagram. Added Eye Diagams in Section 2.0. Revised typical and Maximum values in Table 1-3. Revised Table 1-4. Revised Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. C (V1P) Preliminary May 2009 Added Note 5 to Table 1-5. Removed Note 2 from Table 3-1 (2-state/I-Digital inputs have an internal 100K resistor to AV I). DD Revised Figure 4-3, Figure 4-4, Figure 4-5. Added input/output circuits in Section 3.0. B (V2A) Advance February 2009 Major revisions throughout document. A (V1A) Advance June 2008 Initial Release. 2 MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: