Graphic VFD Module GU84x16D-K609A1 This compact high brightness VF display module provides a solution for ovens 84 x 16 Dot Matrix + 4 switches Single 5V Supply and control systems. The unique low profile onboard DC/DC convertor avoids using inductive components or electrolytic capacitors to enable a wide High Brightness Display Wide Temperature +105C temperature range. 4 push button switches readable via the SPI interface. SPI interface + /Reset 35.1 CON1 5.0 Pin Signal 1 VCC SW1 SW3 9.0 2 GND 25.0 20.5 6.5 SW2 SW4 3 Clock 12.5 4 Data OUT 5.0 5 Data IN 1 CON1 6 /RESET 3.5 3.5 3.5 21.0 62.0 7.5 77.0 Dimensions in mm. 11.0 8.2 Max Tolerances +/-0.1mm. PCB is 1.6mm thick 2.0 Max ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION 5X7 FONT Parameter Sym Min Typ Max Unit Condition Supply Voltage Vcc 4.5 5.0 5.5 V VSS=0V Supply Current Icc - 200 250 mA Vcc=5V All dots Logic High Input VIH 3.7 - Vcc V VSS=0V Logic Low Input VIL 0 - 0.3 V VSS=0V ENVIRONMENTAL and OPTICAL SPECIFICATION Parameter Value Display Area (XxY mm) 35.1 x 9.0 Dot Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 0.27 x 0.42/0.42 x 0.57 2 Luminance 2000 cd/m Typ Colour of Illumination Blue-Green (Filter for colours) Operating Temperature -40 C to +105 C - 4 hour peak Storage Temperature -40 C to +85 C - continuous Operating Humidity (non condensing) 10 to 90% 25C SOFTWARE COMMANDS Hex Command 10X14 FONT 00-07 Display user defined 8x8 icon in EEPROM at cursor 08-0D Display user defined 16x16 icon in EEPROM at cursor 10+ Position Cursor where top left = 0,0 (10, x, y) 11 Set Pixel On at Cursor 12 Clear Pixel at Cursor 13+ Fill Area, co-ordinates inclusive (13, tx, ty, bx, by) 14+ Clear Area, co-ordinates inclusive (14, tx, ty, bx, by) 15+ Invert Area, co-ordinates inclusive (15, tx, ty, bx, by) 16+ Draw boxed outline, co-ordinates inclusive (16, tx, ty, bx, by) 17+ Clear boxed outline, co-ordinates inclusive (17, tx, ty, bx, by) 18+ Set write mode (18, mode) 19+ Define icon (19, 00-07, n1, n8) or (19, 08-0D, n1, n32) 1A+ Graphic write (1A, n1, n168) 1C+ Set luminance (1C, 00-1F) 1D Select 5x7 Font 1E Select 10x14 Font 1F Software reset CONTACT 20-7F Write ASCII Characters (5x7 font) Noritake Sales O ffice Tel Nos 20-5F Write ASCII Characters (10x14 font) Nagoya Japan: +81 (0)52-561-9867 Canada: +1-416-291-2946 The module defaults to a 2 x 14 character display using the 5x7 font with Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020 The software command codes shown single pixel spacing. The cursor position auto increments after each Munchen (D): +49 (0)89-3214-290 are copyright 2009 Noritake Co. Ltd character write. The bottom left of a character is placed at the cursor x,y. Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144 Data is sent via synchronous SPI. For all data sent the data returned from Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220 Subject to change without notice. the module on data OUT reflects the current state of the 4 switches (SW1 Doc Ref: 43845 Iss1 26 Jan09 4 = D0 3). If required, an unused code (ie 0F) can be sent to get key data. NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES GU84x16D-K609A1 Graphic VFD Module GU84x16D-K609A1 SOFTWARE COMMANDS Instruction Hex Description Display 8x8 Icon 00H - 07H Display one of the 8 available 8x8 user icons at current cursor position. The cursor is shifted (BUSY = 300us) 8 pixels on each icon write. Icons can be defined using the Define icon command. Display 16x16 Icon 08H - 0DH Display one of the 6 available 16x16 user icons at current cursor position. The cursor is (BUSY = 400us) shifted 16 pixels on each icon write. Icons can be defined using the Define icon command. Cursor Positioning 10H + x + y Set cursor position. X = 0 to 83, Y = 0 to 15. The cursor can be positioned off-screen in the (BUSY = 10us) vertical direction. The cursor position is automatically advanced on each character write. A cursor position of 0,0 defines the top left-hand corner of the display. Pixel On 11H Turn on single pixel at the current cursor position. (BUSY = 15us) Pixel Off 12H Turn off single pixel at the current cursor position. (BUSY = 15us) Area Fill 13H + x1 + y1 + x2 + y2 Turn on all pixels within co-ordinates x1, y1 to x2, y2. The first co-ordinates x1, y1 should (BUSY = 10us & 300us last byte ) point to the top-left of the area, and x2, y2 should point to the bottom-right. Area Clear 14H + x1 + y1 + x2 + y2 Turn off all pixels within co-ordinates x1, y1 to x2, y2. The first co-ordinates x1, y1 should (BUSY = 10us & 300us last byte ) point to the top-left of the area, and x2, y2 should point to the bottom-right. Area Invert 15H + x1 + y1 + x2 + y2 Invert all pixels within co-ordinates x1, y1 to x2, y2. The first co-ordinates x1, y1 should point (BUSY = 10us & 300us last byte ) to the top-left of the area, and x2, y2 should point to the bottom-right. Draw Outline 16H + x1 + y1 + x2 + y2 Draw single pixel width box outline from x1, y1 to x2, y2. The first co-ordinates x1, y1 should (BUSY = 10us & 300us last byte ) point to the top-left of the area, and x2, y2 should point to the bottom-right. Clear Outline 17H + x1 + y1 + x2 + y2 Clear single pixel width box outline from x1, y1 to x2, y2. The first co-ordinates x1, y1 should (BUSY = 10us & 300us last byte ) point to the top-left of the area, and x2, y2 should point to the bottom-right. Set Write Mode 18H + mode Sets the writing mode used for all subsequent character and graphic writes. (BUSY = 10us) 00H = Overwrite existing display data (default) 01H = AND with existing display data 02H = OR with existing display data 03H = Exclusive OR with existing display data Define Icon 19H + icon + data Store user defined icon (00H-0DH) in non-volatile EEPROM. Icons are either 8x8 or 16x16 (BUSY = 10us & 4ms data bytes ) pixel format. The icon data should consist of 8 (for 8x8) or 32 (for 16x16) vertical bytes with the MSB uppermost. Icons 00H 07H are 8x8 format and icons 08H 0DH are 16x16. e.g. 19H+05H+FFH+81H+81H+81H+81H+81H+81H+FFH - defines a box at user defined character 05H. 05H - display box character Graphic Write 1AH + data Receive and display a complete screen of graphic data. Data is formatted vertically with MSB (BUSY = 50us) uppermost. All 168 bytes of data must be sent. Set Luminance 1CH + lum Set the overall display brightness. 00H=off, 01H=minimum, 1FH=maximum (default). (BUSY = 50us) 5x7 Font 1DH Select 5x7 font (default). The cursor is advanced by 6 pixels on each character write. (BUSY = 25us) 10x14 Font 1EH Select 10x14 font. The cursor is advanced by 12 pixels on each character write. (BUSY = 25us) Software Reset 1FH Reset the display to its power on condition (icon data is retained). (BUSY = 150us) ASCII Write 20H 7FH (5x7) Text is written to the display in the selected font. The cursor is moved right on each character (BUSY = 150us 5x7 ) 20H 5FH (10x14) write, if the end of the display is reached, the cursor will move back to the left-hand side of (BUSY = 300us 10x14 ) the display. INTERFACING TO THE GU84x16D-K609A1 Data is clocked in on the falling edge of SCK and out on the rising edge. The most significant bit of the data byte should be sent first. Although the module does have a 16 byte receive buffer the host must provide adequate delays for the module to process data / commands. These data / command busy times are specified in the software command section. For all data sent the data returned from the module on data OUT reflects the current state of the 4 switches (SW1 4 = D0 3). If required, an unused code (ie 0F) can be sent to get key data. 125ns 125ns 2.5us min min min SCK CLOCK CLOCK MOSI DATA IN HOST GU84x16D-K609A1 125ns 125ns SYSTEM MISO DATA OUT min min I/O /RESET DATA IN D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 0V 5V VCC GND 2us min DATA OUT D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 RESET TIMING >500ns /RESET The module is reset when a low level signal is applied to the /RESET line for greater than 500ns. This will cause the module to clear the display and set all defaults. All icon data is retained. 300us DATA During the 300us initialisation period, the user must not send data to the module. It is important to use reset on a regular basis to ensure synchronisation of data. NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES GU84x16D-K609A1