The FCH040N65S3 is a MOSFET N Trench 650V 65A (Tc) 4.5V @ 6.5mA 40 mΩ @ 32.5A,10V TO-247-3 RoHS produced by ON Semiconductor. It is a power transistor designed for use in high voltage, high current applications, such as power amplifiers, motor drivers, automotive applications, and lighting modules. It features maximum junction temperature of 175°C and is offered in RoHS-compliant TO-247-3 package. Other features include a Gate-Emitter voltage tolerance of ± 20V, a drain-source breakdown voltage(BVdss) of 650V, and a drain-source saturation voltage(VDS) of 4.5V. The low on-resistance characteristics of this transistor make it an ideal choice for fast switching applications, and it is suitable for various types of switching applications.