MJE13005G SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for highvoltage, highspeed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are MJE13005G ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25 C unless otherwise noted) C Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2) CollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage V 400 Vdc CEO(sus) (I = 10 mA, I = 0) C B Collector Cutoff Current I mAdc CEV (V = Rated Value, V = 1.5 Vdc) CEV BE(off) 1 (V = Rated Value, V = 1.5 Vdc, T = 100 C) CEV BE(off) C 5 Emitter Cutoff Current I 1 mAdc EBO (V = 9 Vdc, I = 0) EB C SECOND BREAKDOWN Second Breakdown Collector Current with base forward biased I See Figure 11 S/b Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased RBSOA See Figure 12 ON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2) DC Current Gain h FE (I = 1 Adc, V = 5 Vdc) C CE 10 60 (I = 2 Adc, V = 5 Vdc) C CE 8 40 CollectorEmitter Saturation Voltage V Vdc CE(sat) (I = 1 Adc, I = 0.2 Adc) C B 0.5 (I = 2 Adc, I = 0.5 Adc) C B 0.6 (I = 4 Adc, I = 1 Adc) C B 1 (I = 2 Adc, I = 0.5 Adc, T = 100 C) C B C 1 BaseEmitter Saturation Voltage V Vdc BE(sat) (I = 1 Adc, I = 0.2 Adc) C B 1.2 (I = 2 Adc, I = 0.5 Adc) C B 1.6 (I = 2 Adc, I = 0.5 Adc, T = 100 C) C B C 1.5 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS CurrentGain Bandwidth Product f 4 MHz T (I = 500 mAdc, V = 10 Vdc, f = 1 MHz) C CE Output Capacitance C 65 pF ob (V = 10 Vdc, I = 0, f = 0.1 MHz) CB E SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Resistive Load (Table 2) Delay Time t 0.025 0.1 s d (V = 125 Vdc, I = 2 A, Rise Time CC C t 0.3 0.7 s r I = I = 0.4 A, t = 25 s, B1 B2 p Storage Time t 1.7 4 s s Duty Cycle 1%) Fall Time t 0.4 0.9 s f Inductive Load, Clamped (Table 2, Figure 13) Voltage Storage Time t 0.9 4 s sv (I = 2 A, V = 300 Vdc, C clamp Crossover Time t 0.32 0.9 s c I = 0.4 A, V = 5 Vdc, T = 100 C) B1 BE(off) C Fall Time t 0.16 s fi 2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 s, Duty Cycle = 2%.