This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC). Transistors 2SD2345J Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low frequency ampli cation Unit: mm +0.05 1.60 0.03 +0.03 0.12 0.01 1.000.05 FFeeaattuurreess 3 HHHHiiiigggghhhh ffffoooorrrrwwwwaaaarrrrdddd ccccuuuurrrrrrrreeeennnntttt ttttrrrraaaannnnssssffffeeeerrrr rrrraaaattttiiiioooo hhhh FFEE LLooww ccoolllleeccttoorr--eemmiitttteerr ssaattuurraattiioonn vvoollttaaggee VV CE(sat) HHiigghh eemmiitttteerr--bbaassee vvoollttaaggee ((CCoolllleeccttoorr ooppeenn)) VV EBO 1 2 LLooww nnooiissee vvoollttaaggee NNVV 0.27 0.02 (0.50)(0.50) AAbbssoolluuttee MMaaxxiimmuumm RRaattiinnggss T == 2255C aaa Parameter Symbol Rating Unit 5 Collector-base voltage (Emitter open) V 50 V CBO Collector-emitter voltage (Base open) V 40 V CEO Emitter-base voltage (Collector open) V 15 V EBO 1: Base Collector current I 50 mA C 2: Emitter 3: Collector Peak collector current I 100 mA CP EIAJ: SC-89 SSMini3-F1 Package Collector power dissipation P 125 mW C Marking Symbol: 1Z Junction temperature TTT 125 C jj Storage temperature TTT 55 to +125 C ssttgg EElleeccttrriiccaall CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss T == 2255C3C aaa Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Collector-base voltage (Emitter open) V I == 1100 A, I == 00 50 V CBO CCC EEE Collector-emitter voltage (Base open) V I == 11 mmAA,, II = 0 40 V CEO CCC B Emitter-base voltage (Collector open) V I == 1100 A, I == 00 15 V EBO EEE CCC Collector-base cutoff current (Emitter open) I V = 20 V, I == 00 0.1 A CBO CB EEE Collector-emitter cutoff current (Base open) I V == 2200 VV,, II = 0 1 A CEO CCCEEE B * Forward current transfer ratio hhh V == 1100 VV,, II == 22 mmAA 600 2 000 FFEE CCCEEE CCC Collector-emitter saturation voltage V I == 1100 mmAA,, II = 1 mA 0.05 0.2 V CE(sat) CCC B Transition frequency fff V = 10 V, I == 22 mmAA,, ff == 220000 MMHHzz 120 MHz TT CB EEE Note) 1. Measuring methods are based on JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS C 7030 measuring methods for transistors. 2. : Rank classi cation * Rank S T hhh 600 to 1 200 1 000 to 2 000 FFEE Publication date: November 2005 SJC00337AED 1 Maintenance/ Discontinued Maintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage. planed maintenance type maintenance type planed discontinued typed discontinued type Please visit following URL about latest information. This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC). 2SD2345J 2SD2345J P -T 2SD2345J I -V 2SD2345J I -V C CB C CE C a P TTTT II VV I VV C aaaa C CB C CE 60 I = 50 A B 120 40 40 A 40 T = 85C a 30 A 80 25 C 25 C 20 A 20 20 40 10 A V = 10 V CE 0 0 0 0 40 80 120 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 4 8 12 Ambient temperature T ( C) Collector-base voltage V (V) Collector-emitter voltage V (V) a CB CE 2SD2345J C -V 2SD2345J V -I 2SD2345J h -I ob CB CE(sat) C FE C V II hhh II CC VV CE(sat) C FFEE CCC ob CB 1 10 10 1 600 I /I = 10 f = 1 MHz C B V = 10 V CE T = 25 C a T = 85C a 1 200 25C 25C 800 T = 85C a 25C 400 25C 2 1 10 0 1 2 2 0 10 20 30 40 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 Collector-base voltage V (V) Collector current I (mA) CB Collector current I (mA) C C 2 SJC00337AED Maintenance/ Discontinued Maintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage. planed maintenance type maintenance type planed discontinued typed discontinued type Please visit following URL about latest information.