The MMBTA94 with Transistors produced by Pingjingsemi is a RoHS compliant SOT-23 package NPN/PNP device for a wide range of applications including switching, switching amplifiers, bias regulators, and general purpose to low noise amplifiers. Manufactured in a state-of-the-art process, the MMBTA94 boasts an excellent quality and maximum reliability. Suitable for a broad range of applications, such as switching, linear amplification, signal conditioning, and protection, the device features a midrange current level up to 300mA and low gain. Additionally, the MMBTA94 features an operating temperature range of up to 175? and a maximum total power dissipation capability of up to 625mW, making it an ideal choice for all your applications. Furthermore, the impressive storage temperature range of up to -65°C to 175°C is great for extreme temperature environments. Additionally, the package also offers an excellent choice for printed circuit board designs.