Ennd of Liffe Notifficationn End of Life Nottification: EEOL-000055 Date Isssued: 10/20/22013 Dear Semtecch Customer oor Distributor:: This letter is to notify your company thaat Semtech iss discontinuingg the manufaacture of the EEClamp2357NN.TCT products. In accordance wwith Semtechhs product disscontinuation policy, we arre hereby giviing notice of pproduct discontinuancce as a resultt of our suppliers inability to obtain sufficcient material for continued manufacturring. Semtech sugggests the following replaceement devicee: EClamp23557NQTCT. PProduct Data Sheet has beeen attached to thhis EOL noticce. Last Time Buy Conditionns As a result off our supplierss inability to mmanufacture this product, Semtech Corrporation is unable to offerr any last time buy instructions. LIMITEED WARRANNTY In general, alll discontinuedd product ordders subject too this notice sshall carry Seemtechs standdard limited wwarranty or, if applicabble, the warraanty set forth in a duly execcuted formal ccontract betwween Semtechh and your coompany will apply except that: 1. SSemtech will aaccept all valid warranty cllaims for creddit only, unlesss a replacemment order is ootherwise aagreed upon bby Semtech aand the replaccement parts can be manuufactured or ddelivered fromm rremaining inveentory. 2. TThe applicablee warranty peeriod for making any returnn claims for discontinued pproducts will bbe no laater than nineety (90) days following deliivery of the diiscontinued pproducts. 3. AAny return claaims must be made under Semtechs cuurrent Return Material Authhorization RMMA pprocedures. ADDITIONNAL PROVISSIONS SEMTECH AACCEPTS NOO LIABILITY FFOR EXCESSS REPROCUREMENT COOSTS OR FOR ANY SPECCIAL, INCIDENTALL, OR CONSEEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WWHATSOEVEER ASSOCIAATED WITH THIS NOTICE, WITH ITS PRODUCCTS, OR WITTH THE FINAAL MANUFACCTURE AND PPERFORMANNCE AGAINSST ANY LASTT TIME BUY ORDERRS RELATEDD TO THE DISSCONTINUEDD PRODUCTTS COVEREDD BY THIS NOOTICE. We regret thee inconveniennce and impact this notice may cause yyour companyy. Semtechs sales, markeeting, and distribution personnel stannd ready to asssist you in pllacing your coompanys ordders for replaccement produuct, or in providing thee product inforrmation you reequire. For product inquiries or puurchase orderr information, please contaact your local Semtech salees representaative. Semtech Coorporation 2000 Flynn Road Camarillo CCa 93012 Phhone (805) 4998-2111 Pat Sanchez Manager, Coorporate Quality Semtech Corrporation 200 Flynn Rooad Camarillo, CAA 93012 Psanchez ssemtech.com Office: (805) 480-2074 Fax: (805) 498-3804 Semtech Coorporation 2000 Flynn Road Camarillo CCa 93012 Phhone (805) 4998-2111