MLPF-WB-01E3 Datasheet 2.4 GHz low pass filter matched to STM32WB55Cx/Rx, STM32WB50Cx, STM32WB35Cx and STM32WB30Cx Features Integrated impedance matching to STM32WB55Cx/Rx, STM32WB50Cx, STM32WB35Cx and STM32WB30Cx LGA footprint compatible 50 nominal impedance on antenna side Deep rejection harmonics filter Low insertion loss Small footprint Low thickness 450 m High RF performance Top view (pads down) RF BOM and area reduction ECOPACK2 compliant OUT GND3 Applications GND4 GND2 Bluetooth 5 OpenThread IN GND1 Zigbee IEEE 802.15.4 Optimized for STM32WB55Cx/Rx, STM32WB50Cx, STM32WB35Cx and STM32WB30Cx Product status link Description MLPF-WB-01E3 The MLPF-WB-01E3 integrates an impedance matching network and harmonics filter. The matching impedance network has been tailored to maximize the RF performance of STM32WB. This device uses STMicroelectronics IPD technology on non-conductive glass substrate which optimizes RF performance. DS13532 - Rev 1 - October 2020 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.MLPF-WB-01E3 Characteristics 1 Characteristics Table 1. Absolute ratings (T = 25 C) amb Symbol Parameter Value Unit P Input power RF 10 dBm IN IN ESD ratings human body model (JESD22-A114-C), all I/O one at a 2000 time while others connected to GND V V ESD ESD ratings machine model, all I/O 200 T Maximum operating temperature -40 to +105 C OP Table 2. Impedances(T = 25 C) amb Value Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Typ. Max. matched to STM32WB55Cx/Rx, STM32WB50Cx, STM32WBxx single-ended Z - - IN impedance STM32WB35Cx, and STM32WB30Cx Z Antenna impedance - 50 - OUT Table 3. Electrical characteristics and RF performance (T = 25 C) amb Value Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Typ. Max. f Frequency range 2400 2500 MHz Insertion loss lS l IL 21 0.90 1.1 dB RL Input return loss IS I 14 22 dB IN 11 RL Output return loss lS l 16 24 dB OUT 22 Attenuation at 2fo 38 40 dB Harmonic Attenuation at 3fo 43 45 dB rejection levels Att Attenuation at 4fo 41 46 dB IS I 21 Attenuation at 5fo 35 42 dB DS13532 - Rev 1 page 2/13