STT13005 is a high voltage integrated circuit for controlling automotive transistors and current regulators. This device is part of STMicroelectronics' STSV series, which includes a wide variety of automotive-grade ICs for various applications. It is a highly integrated, monolithic, SMD (Surface Mount Device) device with a minimum voltage range from 4.5V up to 25V. STT13005 is used for preventing current overloads during the startup phase, limiting and protecting device current, as well as providing over-temperature protection. This IC offers excellent thermal characteristics and can be used as a bridge driver in applications such as DC-DC converters, buck and boost converters, motor controls and power supplies. It has a current limit of 1A and a maximum voltage of 33V. The device comes in a small, post package and supports several digital protocols including I2C, SPI and PWM.