TC74HC240,244AP/AF,241AP/AF TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC74HC240AP, TC74HC240AF, TC74HC241AP TC74HC241AF, TC74HC244AP, TC74HC244AF Octal Bus Buffer TC74HC240AP/AF Inverted, 3-State Outputs TC74HC240AP, TC74HC241AP, TC74HC244AP TC74HC241AP/AF Non-Inverted, 3-State Outputs TC74HC244AP/AF Non-Inverted, 3-State Outputs The TC74HC240A, 241A and 244A are high speed CMOS 2 OCTAL BUS BUFFERs fabricated with silicon gate C MOS technology. TC74HC240AF, TC74HC241AF, TC74HC244AF They achieve the high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipation. The 74HC240A is an inverting 3-state buffer having two active-low output enables. The TC74HC241A and TC74HC244A are non-inverting 3-state buffers that differ only in that the 241A has one active-high and one active-low output enable, and the 244A has two active-low output enables. These devices are designed to be used with 3-state memory address drivers, etc. All inputs are equipped with protection circuits against static Weight discharge or transient excess voltage. DIP20-P-300-2.54A : 1.30 g (typ.) SOP20-P-300-1.27A : 0.22 g (typ.) Features High speed: t = 10 ns (typ.) at V = 5 V pd CC Low power dissipation: I = 4 A (max) at Ta = 25C CC High noise immunity: V = V = 28% V (min) NIH NIL CC Output drive capability: 15 LSTTL loads Symmetrical output impedance: I = I = 6 mA (min) OH OL Balanced propagation delays: t t pLH pHL Wide operating voltage range: V (opr) = 2 to 6 V CC Pin and function compatible with 74LS240/241/244 Start of commercial production 1986-05 1 2014-03-01 TC74HC240,244AP/AF,241AP/AF Pin Assignment TC74HC240A TC74HC241A TC74HC244A IEC Logic Symbol TC74HC240A TC74HC241A TC74HC244A Truth Table Inputs Outputs G G A Y Y n n n L H L L H L H H H L H L X Z Z : For TC74HC241A only : For TC74HC240A only X: Dont care Z: High impedance 2 2014-03-01