TC7WP3125FK CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Silicon Monolithic TC7WP3125FK 1. Functional Description Low-Voltage, Low-Power 2-Bit Dual-Supply Bus Buffer 2. General The TC7WP3125FK is a dual supply, advanced high-speed CMOS 2-bit dual supply voltage interface bus buffer fabricated with silicon gate CMOS technology. It is also designed with over voltage tolerant inputs and outputs up to 3.6 V. Designed for use as an interface between a 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, or 2.5-V bus and a 1.8-V, 2.5-V or 3.6-V bus in mixed 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V or 2.5-V/1.8- V, 2.5-V or 3.6-V supply systems. The A-input interfaces with the 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V or 2.5-V bus, the B-output with the 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 3.3-V bus. The enable input OE can be used to disable the device so that the signal lines are effectively isolated. All inputs are equipped with protection circuits against static discharge or transient excess voltage. 3. Features (Note) (1) Wide operating temperature range: T = -40 to 125 (Note 1) opr (2) Operating voltage: 1.2 V to 1.8 V / 1.2 V to 2.5 V / 1.2 V to 3.3 V / 1.5 V to 2.5 V 1.5 V to 3.3 V / 1.8 V to 2.5 V / 1.8 V to 3.3 V / 2.5 V to 3.3 V (3) High-speed operation: t = 6.8 ns (max) (V = 2.5 0.2 V, V = 3.3 0.3 V) pd CCA CCB t = 7.8 ns (max) (V = 1.8 0.15 V, V = 3.3 0.3 V) pd CCA CCB t = 8.6 ns (max) (V = 1.5 0.1 V, V = 3.3 0.3 V) pd CCA CCB t = 22 ns (max) (V = 1.2 0.1 V, V = 3.3 0.3 V) pd CCA CCB t = 9.5 ns (max) (V = 1.8 0.15 V, V = 2.5 0.2 V) pd CCA CCB t = 10.5 ns (max) (V = 1.5 0.1 V, V = 2.5 0.2 V) pd CCA CCB t = 23 ns (max) (V = 1.2 0.1 V, V = 2.5 0.2 V) pd CCA CCB t = 30 ns (max) (V = 1.2 0.1 V, V = 1.8 0.15 V) pd CCA CCB (4) Output current: I /I = 12 mA (min) (V = 3.0 V) OHB OLB CCB I /I = 9 mA (min) (V = 2.3 V) OHB OLB CCB I /I = 3 mA (min) (V = 1.65 V) OHB OLB CCB (5) Ultra-small package: US8 (6) Low power dissipation: By using the new circuit, the power consumption is reduced significantly when OE =. Suitable for battery-driven applications such as PDAs and cellular phones. (7) Floating of A-bus is permitted (when OE =). (8) 3.6 V tolerance and power-down protection are provided to all inputs and outputs. Note: Do not apply a signal to any bus pins when it is in the output mode. Damage may result. Note 1: For devices with the ordering part number ending in (CT. T = -40 to 85 for the other devices. opr Start of commercial production 2020-12 2020-2021 2021-07-21 1 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Rev.1.0TC7WP3125FK 4. Packaging US8 5. Pin Assignment 6. Truth Table Input Input Outputs OE A1,A2 B1,B2 L L L L H H H X Z X: Don t care Z: High impedance 2020-2021 2021-07-21 2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Rev.1.0