The BC848A with SOT-23 is a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) manufactured by TWGMC. It is compliant with the Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standards of the European Union. This device belongs to the BC8xxA(B,C) series of small signal transistors. It consists of multiple layers of N-type and P-type semiconductor materials which are connected to form a BJT. This device is capable of amplifying current when operated with a small current or voltage signal and can be used to build multi-level logic circuits. It has a power dissipation of 350 mW in the SOT-23 package and a collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 45V, collector-emitter saturation voltage of 0.35V, hFE of 40-100, and a reverse current of 0.1 µ A. Its options include a collector-base breakdown voltage of 70V and the ability to withstand a load of 5V/2mA for 1 second. This part is used in several applications such as voltage regulators, converters, amplifiers, frequency multipliers, and oscillators.