DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BFT46 N-channel silicon FET Product specification December 1997NXP Semiconductors Product specification N-channel silicon FET BFT46 DESCRIPTION Symmetrical n-channel silicon epitaxial planar junction field-effect transistor in a microminiature plastic envelope. The transistor is intended for low level general purpose 3 handbook, halfpage amplifiers in thick and thin-film circuits. d g s PINNING 12 1 = drain Top view MAM385 2 = source 3= gate Note : Drain and source are Fig.1 Simplified outline and symbol, SOT23. interchangeable. Marking code BFT46 = M3p QUICK REFERENCE DATA Drain-source voltage V max. 25 V DS Gate-source voltage (open drain) V max. 25 V GSO Total power dissipation up to T =40 CP max. 250 mW amb tot Drain current V =10V V =0 0,2 mA DS GS I DSS 1,5 mA Transfer admittance (common source) I = 0,2 mA V = 10 V f = 1 kHz y 0,5 mS D DS fs Equivalent noise voltage V =10 V I =200 A B = 0,6 to 100 Hz V 0,5 V DS D n December 1997 2