DocumentNumber:MMH3111NT1 FreescaleSemiconductor Rev. 4.1, 10/2014 Technical Data HeterostructureFieldEffect Transistor(GaAsHFET) MMH3111NT1 BroadbandHighLinearity Amplifier The MMH3111NT1 is a general purpose amplifier that is internally inputandoutputprematched.ItisdesignedforabroadrangeofClassA, small--signal, high linearity, general purpose applications. It is suitable for applications with frequencies from 250 to 4000 MHz such as cellular, 250--4000MHz, 12dB PCS, WLL, PHS, CATV, VHF, UHF, UMTS and general small--signal RF. 22.5dBm Features GaAsHFETGPA Frequency: 250 to 4000 MHz P1dB: 22.5dBm 900MHz Small--Signal Gain: 12 dB 900 MHz ThirdOrder Output Intercept Point: 44dBm 900MHz Single 5 V Supply Internally Prematchedto50Ohms Internally Biased SOT--89 Cost--effectiveSOT--89SurfaceMount Plastic Package In Tape and Reel. T1 Suffix = 1,000 Units, 12 mm Tape Width, 7--inch Reel. (1) Table1.TypicalPerformance Table2. MaximumRatings Rating Symbol Value Unit 900 2140 3500 Characteristic Symbol MHz MHz MHz Unit Supply Voltage V 6 V DD Small--SignalGain G 12 11.3 10 dB p Supply Current I 300 mA DD (S21) RFInput Power P 20 dBm in Input Return Loss IRL --14 --15 --16 dB (S11) Storage Temperature Range T --65to+150 C stg Junction Temperature T 150 C Output Return Loss ORL --14 --19 --14 dB J (S22) PowerOutput 1dB P1dB 22.5 22 22 dBm Compression Third OrderOutput OIP3 44 44 42 dBm Intercept Point 1. V =5Vdc,T =25 C,50ohmsystem,applicationcircuittuned DD A forspecified frequency. Table3. Thermal Characteristics (2) Characteristic Symbol Value Unit ThermalResistance, Junction to Case R 37.5 C/W JC Case Temperature 95C, 5 Vdc, 150 mA, no RFapplied 2. Referto AN1955, Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers. Go to Table4. Electrical Characteristics (V =5Vdc,900MHz,T =25 C, 50ohm system, inFreescaleApplicationCircuit) DD A Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Small--SignalGain (S21) G 11 12 dB p Input Return Loss (S11) IRL --14 dB Output Return Loss (S22) ORL --14 dB PowerOutput 1dB Compression P1dB 22.5 dBm Third OrderOutput Intercept Point OIP3 44 dBm Noise Figure NF 3.2 dB Supply Current I 120 150 190 mA DD Supply Voltage V 5 V DD Table5.FunctionalPinDescription 2 Pin Number PinFunction 1 RF in 2 Ground 3 RF /DC Supply out 1 2 3 Figure1.FunctionalDiagram Table6. ESD Protection Characteristics TestMethodology Class Human Body Model(perJESD22--A114) 1A MachineModel(perEIA/JESD22--A115) A Charge Device Model(perJESD22--C101) IV Table7. MoistureSensitivityLevel TestMethodology Rating PackagePeakTemperature Unit PerJESD22--A113, IPC/JEDECJ--STD--020 1 260 C MMH3111NT1 RF DeviceData Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2