X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of MRF1K50HR5 RF MOSFET Transistors across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. MRF1K50HR5 RF MOSFET Transistors are a product manufactured by NXP. We provide cost-effective solutions for RF MOSFET Transistors, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.


MRF1K50HR5 electronic component of NXP
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See Product Specifications
Part No.MRF1K50HR5
Manufacturer: NXP
Category: RF MOSFET Transistors
Description: RF MOSFET Transistors Airfast RF Power LDMOS Transistor, 1500 W CW, 1.8-500 MHz, 50 V
Datasheet: MRF1K50HR5 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 212.586 ea
Line Total: USD 212.59 
Availability - 102
Ship by Wed. 25 Dec to Fri. 27 Dec
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 25 Dec to Fri. 27 Dec
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 212.586
10 : USD 189.563
25 : USD 189.563
50 : USD 189.563
100 : USD 188.716
250 : USD 185.471
500 : USD 184.602
1000 : USD 184.514
2500 : USD 184.448

Product Category
Transistor Polarity
Id - Continuous Drain Current
Vds - Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage
Operating Frequency
Output Power
Pd - Power Dissipation
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Mounting Style
Package / Case
Vgs - Gate-Source Voltage
Forward Transconductance - Min
Number Of Channels
Factory Pack Quantity :
Vgs Th - Gate-Source Threshold Voltage
Hts Code
Product Type
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the MRF1K50HR5 from our RF MOSFET Transistors category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the MRF1K50HR5 and other electronic components in the RF MOSFET Transistors category and beyond.

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Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF24301HR5
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Stock : 0
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RF MOSFET Transistors Wideband RF Power LDMOS Transistors, 1.8-500 MHz, 1500 W CW, 50 V
Stock : 107
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Stock Image MRF1K50H-TF4
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50H 230 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image MRF1K50H-TF1
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50H 87.5-108 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image MRF1K50H-TF2
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50H 27 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF1K50H-TF3
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50H 81.36 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF1K50N-TF4
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50N 230 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF1K50N-TF1
Sub-GHz Development Tools MRF1K50N 87.5-108 MHz Reference Circuit
Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF24300-1STG
RF Development Tools MRF24300-1STG
Stock : 0
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image STAC1011-350
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

DocumentNumber:MRF1K50H NXPSemiconductors Rev.1.1,03/2017 TechnicalData RFPowerLDMOSTransistor HighRuggednessN--Channel MRF1K50H Enhancement--ModeLateralMOSFET Thishighruggednessdeviceisdesignedforuseinhigh VSWRindustrial, scientific and medical applications, as well as radio and VHF TV broadcast, 1.8500MHz,1500WCW,50V sub--GHzaerospaceandmobileradioapplications.Itsunmatchedinputand WIDEBAND outputdesignallowsforwidefrequencyrangeusefrom1.8to500MHz. RFPOWERLDMOSTRANSISTOR TypicalPerformance:V =50Vdc DD Frequency P G out ps D (MHz) SignalType (W) (dB) (%) 27 CW 1550CW 25.9 78.3 (1) 81.36 CW 1400CW 23.0 75.0 (2,3) 87.5108 CW 1475CW 23.3 83.4 (4) 230 Pulse 1500Peak 23.7 74.0 (100 sec,20%DutyCycle) NI--1230H--4S LoadMismatch/Ruggedness Frequency P Test in SignalType VSWR (MHz) (W) Voltage Result (4) 230 Pulse >65:1atall 13Peak 50 NoDevice GateA 3 1 DrainA (100sec,20% PhaseAngles (3dB Degradation DutyCycle) Overdrive) 1. Datafrom81.36MHznarrowbandreferencecircuit(page11). 2. Datafrom87.5108MHzbroadbandreferencecircuit(page5). 4 2 DrainB GateB 3. Thevaluesshownarethecenterbandperformancenumbersacrosstheindicated frequencyrange. 4. Datafrom230MHznarrowbandproductiontestfixture(page16). (TopView) Features Note: Thebacksideofthepackageisthe Highdrain--sourceavalancheenergyabsorptioncapability sourceterminalforthetransistor. Unmatchedinputandoutputallowingwidefrequencyrangeutilization Figure1.PinConnections Devicecanbeusedsingle--endedorinapush--pullconfiguration Characterizedfrom30to50Vforeaseofuse Suitableforlinearapplication IntegratedESDprotectionwithgreaternegativegate--sourcevoltagerange forimprovedClassCoperation Recommendeddriver:MRFE6VS25N(25W) Lowerthermalresistancepartavailable:MRF1K50N IncludedinNXPproductlongevityprogramwithassuredsupplyfora minimumof15yearsafterlaunch TypicalApplications Industrial,scientific,medical(ISM) Lasergeneration Plasmaetching Particleaccelerators MRIandothermedicalapplications Industrialheating,weldinganddryingsystems Broadcast Radiobroadcast VHFTVbroadcast Aerospace VHFomnidirectionalrange(VOR) HFandVHFcommunications Weatherradar Mobileradio VHFandUHFbasestations 20162017NXPB.V. MRF1K50H RFDeviceData NXPSemiconductors 1Table1.MaximumRatings Rating Symbol Value Unit Drain--SourceVoltage V 0.5,+135 Vdc DSS Gate--SourceVoltage V 6.0,+10 Vdc GS OperatingVoltage V 50 Vdc DD StorageTemperatureRange T 65to+150 C stg CaseOperatingTemperatureRange T 40to+150 C C (1,2) OperatingJunctionTemperatureRange T 40to+225 C J TotalDeviceDissipation T =25C P 1667 W C D Derateabove25C 8.33 W/C Table2.ThermalCharacteristics (2,3) Characteristic Symbol Value Unit ThermalResistance,JunctiontoCase R 0.10 C/W JC CW:CaseTemperature78C,1500WCW,50Vdc,I =200mA,88MHz DQ(A+B) ThermalImpedance,JunctiontoCase Z 0.028 C/W JC Pulse:CaseTemperature73C,1500WPeak,100 secPulseWidth,20%DutyCycle, I =100mA,230MHz DQ(A+B) Table3.ESDProtectionCharacteristics TestMethodology Class HumanBodyModel(perJESD22--A114) 2,passes2500V MachineModel(perEIA/JESD22--A115) B,passes250V ChargeDeviceModel(perJESD22--C101) IV,passes2000V Table4.ElectricalCharacteristics (T =25Cunlessotherwisenoted) A Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit (4) OffCharacteristics Gate--SourceLeakageCurrent I 1 Adc GSS (V =5Vdc,V =0Vdc) GS DS Drain--SourceBreakdownVoltage V 135 Vdc (BR)DSS (V =0Vdc,I =30 Adc) GS D ZeroGateVoltageDrainLeakageCurrent I 10 Adc DSS (V =50Vdc,V =0Vdc) DS GS ZeroGateVoltageDrainLeakageCurrent I 20 Adc DSS (V =100Vdc,V =0Vdc) DS GS OnCharacteristics (4) GateThresholdVoltage V 1.7 2.2 2.7 Vdc GS(th) (V =10Vdc,I =2130Adc) DS D GateQuiescentVoltage V 1.9 2.4 2.9 Vdc GS(Q) (V =50Vdc,I =100mAdc,MeasuredinFunctionalTest) DD D(A+B) (4) Drain--SourceOn--Voltage V 0.15 Vdc DS(on) (V =10Vdc,I =2.4Adc) GS D (4) ForwardTransconductance g 33.5 S fs (V =10Vdc,I =36Adc) DS D 1. ContinuoususeatmaximumtemperaturewillaffectMTTF. 2. MTTFcalculatoravailableat

Tariff Desc

8541.21.00 16 No - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W Free

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