Ordering number : EN2749 N-Channel Junction Silicon FET Low-Frequency 2SK1069 General-Purpose Amplifier Applications Applications Package Dimensions Low-frequency general-purpose amplifiers. unit:mm Ideal for use in variable resistors, analog switches, 2058 low-frequency amplifiers, and constant-current 2SK1069 circuits. 0.3 0.15 3 Features 0 to 0.1 Adoption of FBET process. Ultrasmall-sized package permitting 2SK1069- applied sets to be made smaller and slimmer. 12 0.3 0.6 0.65 0.65 0.9 2.0 1 : Source 2 : Drain 3 : Gate SANYO : MCP Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C Plarameter Ssymbo Csondition Rtating Uni DVrain-to-Source Voltage 4V0 DSX GVate-to-Drain Voltage V40 GDS GIate Current 1A0 m G DIrain Current 2A0 m D APllowable Power Dissipation 1W50 m D Jjunction Temperature T 150 C Sgtorage Temperature Tst 55 to +150 C Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C Ratings Plarameter Ssymbo Condition Unit mpintxy ma GVate-to-Drain Breakdown Voltage I =10A, V=00 V4 (BR)GDS G DS GIate-to-Source Leakage Current V =20V, V=00 A1. n GSS GS DS ZIero-Gate Voltage Drain Current V =10V, V=*0 1*.2 1A2.0 m DSS DS GS CVutoff Voltage V =10V, I=31A 90. 00. V2. GS(off) DS D F orward Transfer Admittance Vyfs =10V, V=50, f=1kHz 40.9S. m DS GS * : The 2SK1069 is classified by I as follows (unit : mA) : Continued on next page. DSS 10.2 3 3.020.5 4 6. 5.0 5 12. (Note) Marking : FJ I rank : 3, 4, 5 DSS For CP package version, use the 2SK771. 2011, SCILLC. All rights reserved. Publication Order Number: www.onsemi.com Rev.0 I Page 1 of 3 I www.onsemi.com Jan-2011, Rev. 0 2SK1069/D 2.1 0.425 1.250 0.425 0.22SK1069 Continued from preceding page. Plarameter Ssymbo Csondition Rtating Uni Isnput Capacitance CVis =10V, V=00, f=1MHz 9F. p DS GS Rseverse Transfer Capacitance CVrs =10V, V=10, f=1MHz 2F. p DS GS NFoise Figure NV =10V, Rg=1k , I=51mA, f=1kHz 1B. d DS D Rev.0 I Page 2 of 3 I www.onsemi.com