60 = G D S 60A =G S D 60B = D S G IXZR16N60 & IXZR16N60A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET NChannel Enhancement Mode N-Channel Enhancement Mode Switch Mode RF MOSFET Low Q and R g g Low Capacitance Z-MOS MOSFET Process TM V = 600 V DSS High dv/dt Optimized for RF Operation Nanosecond Switching Ideal for Class C, D, & E Applications I = 18 A D25 Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings R 0.56 DS(on) T = 25C to 150C J V 600 V DSS P = 350 DC T = 25C to 150C R = 1 M V J GS 600 V DGR Continuous V 20 V GS Transient V 30 V GSM T = 25C c I 18 A D25 T = 25C, pulse width limited by T c JM I 90 A DM T = 25C I c 18 A AR T = 25C c E TBD mJ AR I I , di/dt 100A/s, V V , S DM DD DSS 5 V/ns T 150C, R = 0.2 j G dv/dt I = 0 S >200 V/ns P 350 W DC T = 25C, Derate 4.4W/C above 25C c P TBD W DHS T = 25C c P 3.0 W DAMB R TBD C/W thJC R TBD C/W thJHS Features Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values Isolated Substrate (T = 25C unless otherwise specified) J high isolation voltage (>2500V) min. typ. max. excellent thermal transfer Increased temperature and power V = 0 V, I = 4 ma GS D V 600 V DSS cycling capability V = V , I = 250 V DS GS D 4.6 V IXYS advanced Z-MOS process GS(th) Low gate charge and capacitances V = 20 V , V = 0 GS DC DS I 100 nA GSS easier to drive V = 0.8V T = 25C DS DSS J I 50 A DSS faster switching V =0 T =125C GS J 1 mA Low R DS(on) Very low insertion inductance (<2nH) V = 20 V, I = 0.5I GS D D25 R 0.53 DS(on) No beryllium oxide (BeO) or other Pulse test, t 300S, duty cycle d 2% hazardous materials V = 50V, I = 0.5I , pulse test DS D D25 g 6.4 S fs Advantages T -55 +175 C TM J High Performance RF Z-MOS Optimized for RF and high speed T 175 C JM Common Source RF Package T -55 + 175 C A = Gate Source Drain stg B = Drain Source Gate 1.6mm(0.063 in) from case for 10 s T 300 C L Isolated Package, no insulator required Weight 3.5 g IXZR16N60 & IXZR16N60A/B Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T = 25C unless otherwise specified) J min. typ. max. R 1 G C 2040 pF iss V = 0 V, V = 0.8 V , GS DS DSS(max) C 160 pF oss f = 1 MHz C 20 pF rss Back Metal to any Pin C 33 pF stray T 4 ns d(on) V = 15 V, V = 0.8 V GS DS DSS T 4 ns on I = 0.5 I D DM R = 1 (External) G T 4 ns d(off) T 6 ns off Q 42 nC g(on) V = 10 V, V = 0.5 V GS DS DSS Q 13 nC gs I = 0.5 I IG = 3mA D D25 Q 18 nC gd Source-Drain Diode Characteristic Values (T = 25C unless otherwise specified) J Symbol Test Conditions min. typ. max. V = 0 V GS I 18 S Repetitive pulse width limited by T JM I 108 A SM I = I V =0 V, Pulse test, t 300s, duty cycle F s, GS V 1.5 V SD 2% T 200 ns rr CAUTION: Operation at or above the Maximum Ratings values may impact device reliability or cause permanent damage to the device. Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. IXYSRF reserves the right to make changes to information pub- lished in this document at any time and without notice. IXYS RF reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. IXYS RF MOSFETS are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,860,072 4,881,106 4,891,686 4,931,844 5,017,508 5,034,796 5,049,961 5,063,307 5,187,117 5,237,481 5,486,715 5,381,025 5,640,045 6,404,065 6,583,505 6,710,463 6,727,585 6,731,002