Product Specification
UltraCMOS SPDT RF Switch
5 3000 MHz
Product Description
The PE42720 is a HaRP technology-enhanced
absorptive 75 SPDT RF switch developed on the
HaRP technology enhanced
UltraCMOS process technology.
High linearity
CTB/CSO of -104 dBc
PE42720 is a highly linear device delivering high
isolation and low insertion loss performance. It is
Supports +1.8V control logic
designed for CATV applications including CATV signal
Low insertion loss
switching and distribution, cable modem headend, and
0.7 dB @ 1 GHz
DBS IF switching.
0.8 dB @ 2 GHz
PE42720 supports +1.8V control logic and offers high
1.0 dB @ 3 GHz
ESD protection. In addition, no blocking capacitors are
High isolation
required if DC voltage is not present on the RF ports.
65 dB @ 1 GHz
Peregrines HaRP technology enhancement is an
64 dB @ 2 GHz
innovative feature of the UltraCMOS process, offering
63 dB @ 3 GHz
the performance of GaAs with the economy and
High ESD performance
integration of conventional CMOS.
2500V HBM on all pins
500V CDM on all pins
Figure 1. Functional Diagram Figure 2. Package Type
20-lead 4x4 mm LGA
Document No. DOC-12514-2 2010-2013 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
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Logo updated under non-rev change. Peregrine products are protected under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: PE42720
Product Specification
Table 1. Electrical Specifications @ 25C, V = 3.0V (Z = Z = 75 )
Parameter Path Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Operating frequency 5 3000 MHz
5100 MHz 0.6 0.8 dB
1001000 MHz 0.7 0.9 dB
Insertion loss RFCRFX
10002000 MHz 0.8 1.0 dB
20003000 MHz 1.0
1.3 dB
5100 MHz 68 70 dB
1001000 MHz 63 65 dB
Isolation RFXRFX
10002000 MHz 60 62 dB
20003000 MHz 58 60 dB
5100 MHz 68 70 dB
1001000 MHz 63 65 dB
Isolation RFCRFX
10002000 MHz 62 64 dB
20003000 MHz 61 63 dB
52500 MHz 20 dB
Return loss All ports
25003000 MHz 14 dB
Input 1 dB compression point RFCRFX All bands, 100% duty cycle 30 31 dBm
CTB / CSO 159 channels; 42 dBmV per channel output power -104 dBc
Video feedthrough DC measurement 5 mV
Switching time 50% CTRL to 90% or 10% RF 1500 2100 ns
Notes: 1. The input 1dB compression point is a linearity figure of merit. Refer to Table 3 for the RF input power P
2. Measured in a 50 system
3. Measured with a 3 ns rise time, 0/3V pulse and 500 MHz bandwidth
2010-2013 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. Document No. DOC-12514-2 UltraCMOS RFIC Solutions
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Logo updated under non-rev change. Peregrine products are protected under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: