STGP30H60DFB with IGBT Transistors Trench gate field-stop IGBT, HB series 600 V, 30 A high speed is an electronic component manufactured by STMicroelectronics. This part is used for the gate drive of an undergraduate power system. It integrated six Trench Gate Field-Stop (TGFS) IGBTs in a single package, with an isolated digital output driver. It is uniquely suited for applications such as motor control, welding, solar inverters, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). It features low gate charge, low losses, and high switching frequency. It also keeps low noise at all loads. Moreover, this part has a voltage rating of 600 V and a current rating of up to 30 A for continuous conduction. It is also temperature resistant from -40°C to +125°C and has a short-circuit withstand time of up to 600 µs.