1-Mbit (128 K 8) Serial (SPI) nvSRAM
1-Mbit (128 K 8) Serial (SPI) nvSRAM
Industry standard configurations
Operating voltages:
1-Mbit nonvolatile static random access memory (nvSRAM)
CY14C101Q: V = 2.4 V to 2.6 V
internally organized as 128 K 8
CY14B101Q: V = 2.7 V to 3.6 V
STORE to QuantumTrap nonvolatile elements initiated
CY14E101Q: V = 4.5 V to 5.5 V
automatically on power-down (AutoStore) or by using SPI
Industrial temperature
instruction (Software STORE) or HSB pin (Hardware
8- and 16-pin small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package
Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) compliant
RECALL to SRAM initiated on power-up (Power-Up
RECALL) or by SPI instruction (Software RECALL)
Functional Overview
Support automatic STORE on power-down with a small
capacitor (except for CY14X101Q1A)
The Cypress CY14X101Q combines a 1-Mbit nvSRAM with a
nonvolatile element in each memory cell with serial SPI interface.
High reliability
The memory is organized as 128 K words of 8 bits each. The
Infinite read, write, and RECALL cycles
embedded nonvolatile elements incorporate the QuantumTrap
1million STORE cycles to QuantumTrap
technology, creating the worlds most reliable nonvolatile
Data retention: 20 years at 85 C
memory. The SRAM provides infinite read and write cycles, while
40 MHz, and 104 MHz High-speed serial peripheral interface
the QuantumTrap cells provide highly reliable nonvolatile
storage of data. Data transfers from SRAM to the nonvolatile
elements (STORE operation) takes place automatically at
40-MHz clock rate SPI write and read with zero cycle delay
power-down (except for CY14X101Q1A). On power-up, data is
104-MHz clock rate SPI write and SPI read (with special fast
restored to the SRAM from the nonvolatile memory (RECALL
read instructions)
operation). You can also initiate the STORE and RECALL
Supports SPI mode 0 (0,0) and mode 3 (1,1)
operations through SPI instruction.
SPI access to special functions
For a complete list of related documentation, click here.
Nonvolatile STORE/RECALL
8-byte serial number
Manufacturer ID and Product ID
Sleep mode
Write protection
Feature CY14X101Q1A CY14X101Q2A CY14X101Q3A
Hardware protection using Write Protect (WP) pin
AutoStore No Yes Yes
Software protection using Write Disable instruction
Software Yes Yes Yes
Software block protection for 1/4, 1/2, or entire array
Low power consumption
Hardware No No Yes
Average active current of 3 mA at 40 MHz operation
Average standby mode current of 150 A
Sleep mode current of 8 A
Logic Block Diagram
Serial Number
8 x 8
Manufacturer ID /
Status Register Product ID
128 K x 8
128 K x 8
SPI Control Logic Data & Address
Write Protection STORE/RECALL/ASENB/ASDISB Control
Instruction decoder
Power Control Block
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-54393 Rev. *L Revised November 5, 2014
Not Recommended for New DesignsCY14C101Q
Pinouts ..............................................................................3 Special Instructions ....................................................... 16
Pin Definitions ..................................................................3 SLEEP Instruction ..................................................... 16
Device Operation ..............................................................4 Serial Number ................................................................. 16
SRAM Write .................................................................4 WRSN (Serial Number Write) Instruction .................. 16
SRAM Read ................................................................4 RDSN (Serial Number Read) Instruction ................... 17
STORE Operation .......................................................5 FAST_RDSN
AutoStore Operation ....................................................5 (Fast Serial Number Read) Instruction ............................. 17
Software STORE Operation ........................................5 Device ID ......................................................................... 18
Hardware STORE and HSB pin Operation .................5 RDID (Device ID Read) Instruction ...........................18
RECALL Operation ......................................................6 FAST_RDID (Fast Device ID Read) Instruction ........ 19
Hardware RECALL (Power-Up) ..................................6 HOLD Pin Operation ................................................. 19
Software RECALL .......................................................6 Maximum Ratings ........................................................... 20
Disabling and Enabling AutoStore ...............................6 Operating Range ............................................................. 20
Serial Peripheral Interface ...............................................6 DC Electrical Characteristics ........................................ 20
SPI Overview ...............................................................6 Data Retention and Endurance ..................................... 21
SPI Modes ...................................................................7 Capacitance ....................................................................21
SPI Operating Features ....................................................8 Thermal Resistance ........................................................ 22
Power-Up ....................................................................8 AC Test Loads and Waveforms ..................................... 22
Power-Down ................................................................8 AC Test Conditions ........................................................ 22
Active Power and Standby Power Modes ...................8 AC Switching Characteristics ....................................... 23
SPI Functional Description ..............................................9 Switching Waveforms .................................................... 23
Status Register ...............................................................10 AutoStore or Power-Up RECALL .................................. 24
Read Status Register (RDSR) Instruction .................10 Switching Waveforms .................................................... 24
Fast Read Status Register Software Controlled STORE and RECALL Cycles ...... 25
(FAST_RDSR) Instruction ................................................10 Switching Waveforms .................................................... 25
Write Status Register (WRSR) Instruction ................10 Hardware STORE Cycle ................................................. 26
Write Protection and Block Protection .........................12 Switching Waveforms .................................................... 26
Write Enable (WREN) Instruction ..............................12 Ordering Information ...................................................... 27
Write Disable (WRDI) Instruction ..............................12 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 27
Block Protection ........................................................12 Package Diagrams .......................................................... 28
Hardware Write Protection (WP) ...............................12 Acronyms ........................................................................30
Memory Access ..............................................................13 Document Conventions ................................................. 30
Read Sequence (READ) Instruction ..........................13 Units of Measure ....................................................... 30
Fast Read Sequence (FAST_READ) Instruction ......13 Document History Page ................................................. 31
Write Sequence (WRITE) Instruction ........................13 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 33
nvSRAM Special Instructions ........................................15 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 33
Software STORE (STORE) Instruction .....................15 Products ....................................................................33
Software RECALL (RECALL) Instruction ..................15 PSoC Solutions ...................................................... 33
AutoStore Enable (ASENB) Instruction .....................15 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 33
AutoStore Disable (ASDISB) Instruction ...................15 Technical Support ..................................................... 33
Document Number: 001-54393 Rev. *L Page 2 of 33
Not Recommended for New Designs