HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR NE3512S02 C TO Ku BAND SUPER LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER N-CHANNEL HJ-FET FEATURES Super low noise figure and high associated gain NF = 0.35 dB TYP., Ga = 13.5 dB TYP. f = 12 GHz Micro-X plastic (S02) package APPLICATIONS C to Ku-band DBS LNB Other C to Ku-band communication systems ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Order Number Package Quantity Marking Supplying Form NE3512S02-T1C NE3512S02-T1C-A S02 (Pb-Free) 2 kpcs/reel C 8 mm wide embossed taping Pin 4 (Gate) faces the perforation side NE3512S02-T1D NE3512S02-T1D-A 10 kpcs/reel of the tape Remark To order evaluation samples, contact your nearby sales office. Part number for sample order: NE3512S02-A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = +25C) Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Drain to Source Voltage VDS 4 V Gate to Source Voltage VGS 3 V Drain Current ID IDSS mA Gate Current IG 100 A Note Total Power Dissipation Ptot 165 mW Channel Temperature Tch +125 C Storage Temperature Tstg 65 to +125 C 2 Note Mounted on 1.08 cm 1.0 mm (t) glass epoxy PCB Caution: Observe precautions when handling because these devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge Document No. PG10592EJ01V0DS (1st edition) Date Published February 2006 CP(N) DISCONTINUED Drop-In Replacement: CE3512K2NE3512S02 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (TA = +25C) Parameter Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Drain to Source Voltage VDS 1 2 3 V Drain Current ID 5 10 15 mA Input Power Pin 0 dBm ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = +25C, unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Gate to Source Leak Current IGSO VGS = 3 V 0.5 10 A Saturated Drain Current IDSS VDS = 2 V, VGS = 0 V 15 40 70 mA Gate to Source Cutoff Voltage VGS (off) VDS = 2 V, ID = 100 A 0.2 0.7 2.0 V Transconductance gm VDS = 2 V, ID = 10 mA 40 55 mS Noise Figure NF VDS = 2 V, ID = 10 mA, f = 12 GHz 0.35 0.5 dB Associated Gain Ga 12.5 13.5 dB 2 Data Sheet PG10592EJ01V0DS DISCONTINUED Drop-In Replacement: CE3512K2