The NTTFS5D9N08HTWG is a MOSFET T8 80V DFN POWER CLIP 3X3 manufactured by ON Semiconductor. It is a power transistor with anMaximum Voltage Drain-Source Breakdown (Min.) of 80V, as maximum drain current of 42A, andMaximum Power Dissipation of 0.59W. It is a low-capacitance, surface-mount power package with a 3x3 DFN Clip, allowing it to be mounted on a PCB with little effort. The package has three leadframes, K1, K2 and Ks, each presenting different type of pins including power, signal and GND allowing for versatile options of connections. The NTTFS5D9N08HTWG can be used in a variety of power control applications such as motor drivers, switch-mode power supplies, and other industrial/consumer applications.