The STGWA75H65DFB2 is an IGBT Transistor that is suitable for high-power switching applications such as motor control or drive circuits. It is manufactured by STMicroelectronics and features a maximum voltage rating of 650 V, a current rating of 75 A and a Trench Gate Field-Stop (TGFS) architecture. The TGFS architecture provides high levels of switching performance, low switching and conduction losses, and improved switching behavior and avalanche characteristics. This IGBT also features a HB2 high-speed series of IGBTs from STMicroelectronics, which offers the highest short-circuit ruggedness and fast switching with high frequency operation. The STGWA75H65DFB2 is suitable for use in a range of applications, such as motor control, lighting, renewable energy systems, and inverter/converter applications.