The STW56N65M2 is a MOSFET manufactured by STMicroelectronics. It is a double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (DMOSFET). It is a high-voltage, high-speed, N-channel enhancement-mode power MOSFET primarily developed for use in automotive applications. With its low on-resistance and improved thermal performance, the device is able to operate at high frequencies and supports a wide range of applications. It is housed in the surface-mounted Ultra-Low PowerPAK package, which facilitates mountings on both sides of the PCB, enabling compact, low-profile designs. The STW56N65M2 is 100% Rg, UIS, and avalanche tested to ensure the high quality of this product. This device has a drain-source voltage rating of 650V, a maximum continuous drain current of 56A, a gate-source voltage rating of +/-20V, and a maximum total power dissipation of 210W.