The NTMFS4C020NT1G is a MOSFET Trench 6 30V N-Channel manufactured by ON Semiconductor. It is a non–center tap, single MOSFET that offers various advantages such as low gate charge, fast switching, low on-resistance, and low stray inductance. It is optimized for high frequency, low off-state leakage, and low input capacitance, making it ideal for applications where efficiency and power density are key. Additionally, this part is rated for a VDS (Drain-Source Voltage) of 30V and an ID (Continuous Drain Current) of 19A. The RDS(on) (Drain-Source On-Resistance) is as low as 2.5 mO, while the gate charge is just 30 nC. The NTMFS4C020NT1G is RoHS compliant and is housed in a D2-PAK-7 package.