Ordering number : ENN2563C N-Channel Enhancement Silicon MOSFET 2SK669 Very High-Speed Switch,Analog Switch Applications Applications Package Dimensions Analog switches, low-pass filters, Ultrahigh-speed unit:mm switches. 2040A 2SK669 2.2 4.0 Features Large y . fs Enhancemet type. 0.4 Small ON resistance. 0.5 0.4 0.4 12 3 1 : Drain 1.3 1.3 2 : Source 3 : Gate 3.0 3.8nom SANYO : SPA Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C Plarameter Ssymbo Csondition Rtating Uni DVrain-to-Source Voltage 5V0 DS GVate-to-Source Voltage V12 GS DIrain Current 1A00 m D DIrain Current(Pulse) 3A00 m DP APllowable Power Dissipation 2W00 m D Chhannel Temperature Tc 125 C Sgtorage Temperature Tst 55 to +125 C Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C Ratings Plarameter Ssymbo Condition Unit mpintxy ma DVrain-to-Source Voltage I =10A, V=00 5V (BR)DS D GS GIate-to-Source Leakage Current V =10V, V=10 00.0 1An GSS GS DS ZIero-Gate Voltage Drain Current *V =20V, V=00V 1. A DSS DS GS CVutoff Voltage V =10V, I=3100A 09. 05. 1V. GS(off) DS D F orward Transfer Admittance Vyfs =10V, I=550mA, f=1kHz 204Sm DS D Isnput Capacitance CVis =10V, V=50, f=1MHz 1Fp DS GS Osutput Capacitance CVos =10V, V=60, f=1MHz pF DS GS Rseverse Transfer Capacitance CVrs =10V, V=50, f=1MHz 0F. p DS GS DRrain-to-Source ON Resistance V =10V, I=010mA 2 DS(on) DS D 2011, SCILLC. All rights reserved. Publication Order Number: www.onsemi.com Rev.0 I Page 1 of 4 I www.onsemi.com Jan-2011, Rev. 0 2SK669/D 0.7 0.6 0.7 1.8 15.0 3.02SK669 Rev.0 I Page 2 of 3 I www.onsemi.com