X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of MRF8P26080HSR3 RF MOSFET Transistors across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. MRF8P26080HSR3 RF MOSFET Transistors are a product manufactured by NXP. We provide cost-effective solutions for RF MOSFET Transistors, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.


MRF8P26080HSR3 electronic component of NXP
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See Product Specifications
Part No.MRF8P26080HSR3
Manufacturer: NXP
Category: RF MOSFET Transistors
Description: Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 65V 5-Pin Case 465H-02 T/R
Datasheet: MRF8P26080HSR3 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
2: USD 79.2619 ea
Line Total: USD 158.52 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 2  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Product Category
Operating Frequency
Mounting Style
Operating Temp Range
Pin Count
Number Of Elements
Mode Of Operation
Channel Type
Screening Level
Channel Mode
Rad Hardened
Frequency Min
Drain Source Voltage Max
Package Type
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the MRF8P26080HSR3 from our RF MOSFET Transistors category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the MRF8P26080HSR3 and other electronic components in the RF MOSFET Transistors category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
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Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF8P8300HR6
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 70V 4-Pin T/R
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Stock Image MRF8S18260HSR6
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Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 65V 3-Pin NI-780S T/R
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Stock Image MRF8S21200HR6
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 65V 5-Pin NI-1230 T/R
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Stock Image MRF8S23120HSR5
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 65V 3-Pin NI-780S T/R
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image MRF8P9040NR1
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Stock : 0
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Stock Image MRF8S23120HSR5
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 65V 3-Pin NI-780S T/R
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Stock Image MRF8S9100HR5
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 70V 3-Pin NI-780 T/R
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Stock Image MRFE6VP100HR5
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Stock Image MRFE6VP5150GNR1
Trans RF MOSFET N-CH 133V 5-Pin TO-270 W GULL T/R
Stock : 0
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DocumentNumber:MRF8P26080H FreescaleSemiconductor Rev. 0, 12/2010 TechnicalData RFPowerFieldEffectTransistors N--Channel Enhancement--ModeLateral MOSFETs MRF8P26080HR3 Designed for W--CDMA and LTE base station applications with frequencies MRF8P26080HSR3 from2500to2700MHz.CanbeusedinClass ABandClass Cforalltypical cellular basestationmodulationformats. TypicalDoherty Single--Carrier W--CDMA CharacterizationPerformance: V =28Volts,I = 300mA, V =1.3Vdc,P = 14Watts Avg., IQ 2500--2700MHz,14WAVG.,28V DD DQA GSB out MagnitudeClipping, ChannelBandwidth= 3.84MHz, Input SignalPAR = W--CDMA,LTE 7.5dB 0.01%Probability onCCDF. LATERALN--CHANNEL RFPOWERMOSFETs G OutputPAR ACPR ps D Frequency (dB) (%) (dB) (dBc) 2570MHz 15.4 39.1 6.8 --33.6 2595MHz 15.2 38.2 6.8 --36.0 2620MHz 15.0 36.9 6.8 --40.0 CASE465M--01,STYLE1 Capableof Handling10:1VSWR, 32Vdc, 2595MHz, 109Watts CW NI--780--4 Output Power (3dB Input Overdrivefrom RatedP ) out MRF8P26080HR3 Typical P 3dB CompressionPoint83Watts CW out Features ProductionTestedinaSymmetricalDoherty Configuration 100%PAR Testedfor GuaranteedOutput Power Capability CASE465H--02,STYLE1 CharacterizedwithLarge--SignalLoad--PullParameters andCommon NI--780S--4 SourceS--Parameters MRF8P26080HSR3 Internally Matchedfor Easeof Use IntegratedESD Protection Greater NegativeGate--SourceVoltageRangefor ImprovedClass C Operation RF /V RF /V 31 inA GSA outA DSA Designedfor DigitalPredistortionError CorrectionSystems RoHSCompliant InTapeandReel. R3Suffix = 250Units, 56mm TapeWidth, 13inchReel. RF /V42 RF /V inB GSB outB DSB For R5TapeandReeloption, seep. 13. (TopView) Figure1.PinConnections Table1.MaximumRatings Rating Symbol Value Unit Drain--SourceVoltage V --0.5,+65 Vdc DSS Gate--SourceVoltage V --6.0,+10 Vdc GS OperatingVoltage V 32,+0 Vdc DD StorageTemperatureRange T --65to+150 C stg CaseOperatingTemperature T 150 C C (1,2) OperatingJunctionTemperature T 225 C J CW Operation T =25C CW 140 W C Derateabove25C 1.26 W/C 1. Continuous useatmaximum temperaturewillaffectMTTF. 2. MTTFcalculatoravailableatTable2.ThermalCharacteristics (1,2) Characteristic Symbol Value Unit ThermalResistance,JunctiontoCase R C/W JC CaseTemperature77C,14W CW,28Vdc,I =300mA,V =1.3Vdc,2620MHz 0.88 DQA GSB (3) CaseTemperature90C,80W CW ,28Vdc,I =300mA,V =1.3Vdc,2620MHz 0.56 DQA GSB Table3.ESDProtectionCharacteristics TestMethodology Class HumanBody Model(perJESD22--A114) 2(Minimum) MachineModel(perEIA/JESD22--A115) A (Minimum) ChargeDeviceModel(perJESD22--C101) IV (Minimum) Table4.ElectricalCharacteristics (T =25Cunless otherwisenoted) A Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit (4) OffCharacteristics ZeroGateVoltageDrainLeakageCurrent I 10 Adc DSS (V =65Vdc,V =0Vdc) DS GS ZeroGateVoltageDrainLeakageCurrent I 1 Adc DSS (V =28Vdc,V =0Vdc) DS GS Gate--SourceLeakageCurrent I 1 Adc GSS (V =5Vdc,V =0Vdc) GS DS (4) OnCharacteristics GateThresholdVoltage V 1.0 1.8 2.5 Vdc GS(th) (V =10Vdc,I =75 Adc) DS D GateQuiescentVoltage V 1.9 2.6 3.4 Vdc GS(Q) (V =28Vdc,I =300mAdc,MeasuredinFunctionalTest) DD DA Drain--SourceOn--Voltage V 0.1 0.23 0.3 Vdc DS(on) (V =10Vdc,I =0.75Adc) GS D (5,6) FunctionalTests (InFreescaleDoherty ProductionTestFixture,50ohm system)V =28Vdc,I =300mA,V =1.3Vdc, DD DQA GSB P =14W Avg.,f=2620MHz,Single--CarrierW--CDMA,IQMagnitudeClipping,InputSignalPAR=7.5dB 0.01%Probability onCCDF. out ACPRmeasuredon3.84MHz ChannelBandwidth 5MHzOffset. PowerGain G 13.8 15.0 16.8 dB ps DrainEfficiency 34.0 36.9 % D OutputPeak--to--AverageRatio 0.01%Probability onCCDF PAR 6.4 6.8 dB AdjacentChannelPowerRatio ACPR --40.0 --33.0 dBc (6) TypicalBroadbandPerformance (InFreescaleDoherty CharacterizationTestFixture,50ohm system)V =28Vdc,I =300mA, DD DQA V =1.3Vdc,P =14W Avg.,Single--CarrierW--CDMA,IQ MagnitudeClipping,InputSignalPAR=7.5dB 0.01%Probability on GSB out CCDF.ACPRmeasuredin3.84MHz ChannelBandwidth 5MHzOffset. G OutputPAR ACPR ps D Frequency (dB) (%) (dB) (dBc) 2570MHz 15.4 39.1 6.8 --33.6 2595MHz 15.2 38.2 6.8 --36.0 2620MHz 15.0 36.9 6.8 --40.0 1. MTTFcalculatoravailableat

Tariff Desc

8541.21.00 16 No - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W Free

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